How to keep your treasures in good shape
No matter the value of your jewelry, your treasures will benefit from some good old TLC to help keep them healthy and safe. Jewelry is delicate. Even the strongest pieces, and the best quality, require some form of maintenance. Follow these easy guidelines and you’re sure to get the most out of your collection, for years to come.
Know when to not wear your pieces.
For some people it may seem obvious to not wear your jewelry whilst involved in certain activities like swimming, construction, getting your hands into chemicals or digging in dirt. For others, it’s not so straight forward. Let us help you.
If you’re heading out mountain climbing, take your jewelry off. Challenging your neighbor in tennis this weekend? Leave your pieces off. Likewise, refrain from wearing your good jewelry in salt, pool or chlorine water. Chances are that nothing bad will happen, however, in some instances the metal can turn in color, tarnish, stones can get damaged and pieces can get lost. Fingers get smaller in water and that ring, which normally fits you so good, all of a sudden is loose and comes off. Often without you even noticing it…at first.
We don’t want to discourage you from your hobbies, nor work. But, take your goodies off whilst adding roses to your garden, getting your hands into water with strong cleaning solutions or hammering away on your next home improvement project. Safety first- why risk causing damage to your loved pieces?
Tarnish is the name of the thin layer of corrosion that happens when the very surface of sterling silver has a chemical reaction. The jewelry then looks dull and grey and seems not as beautiful as before. The cause of the tarnish is most often due to oxygen, pollution in the air, moisture and dust.
Although some fancy liquid jewelry cleaning solutions can be useful at times, for your everyday care of your jewelry, keep it simple. A soft toothbrush. Some soap and water. Using a mild toothpaste usually also does the trick. Gently scrub your pieces, getting into crevices and underneath stones, and finish by rinsing with fresh water. Refrain from using commercial harsh cleaners as they may damage stones and cause unnecessary wear on the metal. At Vibe Collection we give customers a polish cloth which is excellent to use for gentle buffing of your pieces.
Every day storage
Take off your goodies at night. Jewelry is delicate and it’s safer for you and your jewelry not to wear them whilst sleeping. Opt to store them flat, one by one, in a jewelry case, a box, or in a drawer. This is especially important for some link bracelet styles where it’s preferred that the link maintains its original shape.
Silver pieces, in particular, may benefit from being stored in Anti-tarnish or Tarnish Resistant bags, away from direct sunlight and air exposure (could be as simple as a regular little plastic bag with an anti tarnish piece of paper in it) as that can assist in keeping the jewelry nice and shiny.
Travel with your treasures
First of all, only travel with what fits in your carry on. Although airlines may be reliable, you’re better off to keep your lovelies close to you. Refrain from tossing your pieces into your purse or bag as that can cause a lot of damage, from scratches to items getting tangled. Instead, place them in travel jewelry cases and your jewelry will be as intact and gorgeous as when you started your travels.
Check your jewelry
Once in a while, take a closer look at your treasures. Make sure that prongs are intact, stones secure, clasps are still fitting snugly. Avoid spraying any kind of chemical onto your pieces as that can damage pearls and some stones and cause a tarnish effect on your silver pieces. Instead, put on your jewelry after you’ve applied your perfumes, hairspray, make up, lotions and sunscreen.
If you have questions, turn to the business where you’ve purchased your items and have them assist you. For all your Vibe Collection pieces, bring them by on your next visit, or mail to us and we will service them for you. Free of charge.
To sum it up
Give your jewelry the best of tender love and care and it will sustain its beauty, and value, as time goes on. Basic at-home maintenance is the most favored every day recipe for your jewels to continue looking as good as the day you got them!